No second chance
Of all the classes I've taken in school, statistics is the one that eludes me most. I've never been a fan of statistics and have always been an average student at it. Yet the news and media bombard us with tons of statistics every single day, so it helps to understand statistics a little bit so that you can figure out what's scientifically sound and what's not.
Despite my dislike for stats and my lack of understanding of it, I have come across one statistic which I found very interesting. This one statistic is completely true, scientifically sound, fully provable, and absolutely easy to understand. Here it is:
The death rate of all human beings is 100%.
Yes, you and I are going to die. Before you think I'm such a pessimist, well, I would like to point out that death is a misnomer. People don't actually die. Sure, the body dies but the soul lives forever, for eternity. But, like most people, we don't usually think about eternity. It's like, "eternity, oh okay." Many people don't see that eternity is not just 100 years, or 1,000 years, but millions and zillions of years. It never ends. Compared to eternity, life here on earth is like a vapor that quickly disappears into thin air; the Bible says that "all men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them." (Isaiah 40:6-7).
Worldly wisdom says that we should plan for retirement and financial independence while we're still young, but the truly wise plan for eternity. After all, there is no second chance to re-live life when death pays a visit.
So how should we live life if it is only a vapor on earth? I think we should live life and do things that have eternal significance. If you're a non-Christian, I would really urge you to consider inviting Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior. God has paid the penalty for your sins through his only Son Jesus and He freely invites you to receive Him. This is the Good News. When you receive Jesus, you will get to spend eternity in heaven.
For Christians, we can do things of eternal significance by choosing how we spend our time, talent, money, and energy. We spend so much time chasing worldly success that we often lose sight of what is truly important. Do you remember what your great, great, grandfather did? No? Well, neither do I. And in the next few generations, what we have done will also be forgotten on earth.
So it really helps to do things that are eternally significant in heaven forever and ever. This means living a life for the glory of God. This means fulfilling the greatest commandment, which is to love others as we love God. This means serving others wholeheartedly and humbling ourselves. This means sharing the gospel. This means denying ourselves unnecessary indulgences but to give our money to the church and to missions instead.
In the words of Jesus our Lord:
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
Our true eternal rewards are in heaven. Worldly financial planning books promote the concept of "delayed gratification". True delayed gratification is foregoing worldly pleasures to enjoy our rewards in heaven.
"It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day." - Matthew Henry
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot
Life is short. Live it well.
Despite my dislike for stats and my lack of understanding of it, I have come across one statistic which I found very interesting. This one statistic is completely true, scientifically sound, fully provable, and absolutely easy to understand. Here it is:
The death rate of all human beings is 100%.
Yes, you and I are going to die. Before you think I'm such a pessimist, well, I would like to point out that death is a misnomer. People don't actually die. Sure, the body dies but the soul lives forever, for eternity. But, like most people, we don't usually think about eternity. It's like, "eternity, oh okay." Many people don't see that eternity is not just 100 years, or 1,000 years, but millions and zillions of years. It never ends. Compared to eternity, life here on earth is like a vapor that quickly disappears into thin air; the Bible says that "all men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them." (Isaiah 40:6-7).
Worldly wisdom says that we should plan for retirement and financial independence while we're still young, but the truly wise plan for eternity. After all, there is no second chance to re-live life when death pays a visit.
So how should we live life if it is only a vapor on earth? I think we should live life and do things that have eternal significance. If you're a non-Christian, I would really urge you to consider inviting Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior. God has paid the penalty for your sins through his only Son Jesus and He freely invites you to receive Him. This is the Good News. When you receive Jesus, you will get to spend eternity in heaven.
For Christians, we can do things of eternal significance by choosing how we spend our time, talent, money, and energy. We spend so much time chasing worldly success that we often lose sight of what is truly important. Do you remember what your great, great, grandfather did? No? Well, neither do I. And in the next few generations, what we have done will also be forgotten on earth.
So it really helps to do things that are eternally significant in heaven forever and ever. This means living a life for the glory of God. This means fulfilling the greatest commandment, which is to love others as we love God. This means serving others wholeheartedly and humbling ourselves. This means sharing the gospel. This means denying ourselves unnecessary indulgences but to give our money to the church and to missions instead.
In the words of Jesus our Lord:
Our true eternal rewards are in heaven. Worldly financial planning books promote the concept of "delayed gratification". True delayed gratification is foregoing worldly pleasures to enjoy our rewards in heaven.
"It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day." - Matthew Henry
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot
Life is short. Live it well.