Saturday, September 23, 2006

What are you?

How would you answer that question? Most would probably answer based on their vocation (e.g. "I'm a doctor or teacher or ..."). That's how I would've answered it.

That's the question Mark Dever asked C.J. Mahaney on the Together for the Gospel blog last month.

Now, C.J. is the humblest man I know of. If you get the chance to see him speak, you can't help but see the overwhelming evidences of grace in his life.

So, when asked, "What is C.J.?", here is C.J.'s response:

What am I? Well, here is what I am. I am the worst sinner I know. And by the grace of God I am doing better than I deserve. For I deserve the righteous wrath of God because of my sin. I deserve to be punished eternally. But in the mystery of His mercy, God sacrificed and crushed His Son on the Cross--as my substitute--so that I might be forgiven of my sin and know God as my Father rather than my Judge. What am I? I am truly amazed by the grace of God. That’s what I am.

Whoa, what a response! It's so obvious that the gospel permeates every part of his life. What a fresh reminder of the need to place the gospel at the very center of our lives.


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